I came to a realization the other day: my mentality when it comes to dudes is back to where it was in high school. And this, my friends, is brilliant. I finally don’t care anymore. Guys are put on this earth (in my intelligent opinion) to entertain me when I’m bored and to make out with. I just realized that I am far too busy and honestly far too selfish to be devoting too much time to a guy. Its really distracting and time consuming and honestly way too fucking stressful and dramatic. Now, this isn’t saying I would just up and leave if I met the man of my dreams (Jim Sturgess, this means you). I just have no desire to “go out and look for a boy”. For once in my life, I don’t feel pessimistic or incomplete or bummed because I don’t have a boy to talk to or to hang out with or whathaveyou. I actually feel quite free. I’m twenty years old. I’m far too young to be in an terribly serious relationship. These are the days where I need to go out and experience different places and experience different people and experience life.
After Ryan and I broke up (what was this, like two years ago?), I started getting really emotionally attached to guys really fast. I’d rely on others to make me feel beautiful and complete. And I don’t know what it is, but over the past few months, I’ve just learned to not give a flying shit about guys. (And honestly, why would I? You're all a bunch of damn baboons.) I don’t NEED a boyfriend. I need to focus on ME. I know I’m beautiful. I know I’m happy. You don't need to tell me twice. And that’s a stupendous thing.
In other related news, I had a dream about Adrien Grenier last night. He fell in love with me. I need him to be my boyfriend or else I will be miserable for eternity. FUCK, HE IS SO HOT! That is all.

you are totally right. you dont need a boyfriend to feel beautiful cause you ARE. i'm really proud of you because you already know that, but lots of girls don't, and thats very sad. every girl should feel like that :]
hahahahah i thought you said he was short and not cute?
what ever did happen with u and ryan anyways?
Omg ! Fortunately you can say that I know that I am beautiful , I personally give all to be you, JAC VANEK, please = | you are beautiful and talented! Look at everything as achieved! If you knew how many people would like to be like you, thinking Jac! You are perfect, you were girlfriend ross ryan, and you could be with the guy you want!
I would love to be able to contact or speak with you! My email is better.fuuck@hotmail.com , please jac vanek , please u.u
I know this is none of my business but I heard so many rumors about you & ryan and how you guys broke up. So truthfully what did happen?
jac vanek, you are the most beautiful person in the world C:
because she cheated on ryan
if only all these people knew the real you. ha.
you rock seriosuly.
you give such great advice and inspirational words.
ryan is sorda... uh...too skinny hahaha :D
love you Jac. Your thoughts are soooo rright! I think almost the same ! :) and i dont care what other people say about you and your realtionship with Ryan. The only thing that really matters is YOU. that you feel well with yourself. hope u read this. love u a lot. and i admire you, i admire the way you think about almost everything! Oh.. and I LOVE AUGUSTANA! do u like it too, huh? I listened one song that i read in one of your blogs.. BOSTON. I LOVE THAT SONG! right now is my cellphone's ringtone ! haha. LOVE YOU! Merry Xmas :) From Uruguay! Latin America. :D my e-mail adress is flopafranco@hotmail.com it would be great if you could wrote me at least once! love u! FLorencia.
Sorry for my bad English.! My language is SPANISH XD
i agree.
cute pictures jac.
i'm 20 too, i really feel where you're comming from, thank you for feeling the same way i feel about men, and about life.
yeah :)
who needs boys?
much love kaaaty
yepp you don't need a boy to tell you you're beautiful.It's just sad that some people don't see the real you becuase they just look on the pass relationships you've had.If you're happy that's what matters.hahahah doesn't everyone dream for Jim Sturgess :D
maybe men don't need you.
especially after you CHEATED ON RYAN.
that was really hypocritical..
you say how you don't need a boyfriend at all and then you proceed to say how adrienne whoever the fuck must be your boyfriend or you'll be miserable?
you're a loser jac. honestly. you really are.
i like how you only started going out with ryan when he was famous.
uh, how could she have cheated on ryan when it said on her blog a year ago that she was still a virgin? then she couldn't have had sex with someone else because she NEVER HAD SEX. omg.
lmao idiot there are ways to cheat on someone other than having sex. and trust me jac is not a virgin hahaha
yeah who need a boys
i don't have boyfriends now
but im happy
im same with u
i will waitin Jim Sturges to see me
haha, hes so hot
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