Friday, December 28, 2007

always remember...

Online petition - No Parole for John Lennon's MURDERER Mark David Chapman

(you'll be seeing a lot of this little sketch of mine I did of John in the near future...think about it...)

Happy New year! As for resolutions go..I'm not going to try to come up with some insane resolutions. I want to be happy, I want to experience as much as I can, I want to be as healthy as I can, I want to learn and grow, I want to push myself artistically, and most importantly, I want to help others in a way no one would imagine.

I just got a little personal collection of metaphysical stones, so I hope to start working with those soon to increase my creativity and imagination! The most intriguing of them is the blue lace agate, which is a calming stone that assists in grace and tranquility and promotes self-expression.

In other news, the girls and I are off to Vegas again in the morning. I know, I know what you're pondering. Jac, why are you having a love affair with the dirty, stripper filled, alcoholic Sin City? Well, my dear friends, the good ole saying "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" doesn't lie...and I can blame Vegas for the first, second, third, and probably fourth craziest times of my life. So, I've devised this genius equation (just call me Alberta Einstein)..

Vegas + New Years = ABSOLUTE INSANITY!!!!

So, in conclusion, this is why I'm going to Vegas...again. I'll be sure to actually document this trip with photos and videos since it's honestly been far too long since I've let you guys have a little peek in my personal life!

What is your new years resolution??

Be safe everyone...
xoxo jac

...Om Namah Shivaya...

Friday, December 21, 2007


I came to a realization the other day: my mentality when it comes to dudes is back to where it was in high school. And this, my friends, is brilliant. I finally don’t care anymore. Guys are put on this earth (in my intelligent opinion) to entertain me when I’m bored and to make out with. I just realized that I am far too busy and honestly far too selfish to be devoting too much time to a guy. Its really distracting and time consuming and honestly way too fucking stressful and dramatic. Now, this isn’t saying I would just up and leave if I met the man of my dreams (Jim Sturgess, this means you). I just have no desire to “go out and look for a boy”. For once in my life, I don’t feel pessimistic or incomplete or bummed because I don’t have a boy to talk to or to hang out with or whathaveyou. I actually feel quite free. I’m twenty years old. I’m far too young to be in an terribly serious relationship. These are the days where I need to go out and experience different places and experience different people and experience life.

After Ryan and I broke up (what was this, like two years ago?), I started getting really emotionally attached to guys really fast. I’d rely on others to make me feel beautiful and complete. And I don’t know what it is, but over the past few months, I’ve just learned to not give a flying shit about guys. (And honestly, why would I? You're all a bunch of damn baboons.) I don’t NEED a boyfriend. I need to focus on ME. I know I’m beautiful. I know I’m happy. You don't need to tell me twice. And that’s a stupendous thing.

In other related news, I had a dream about Adrien Grenier last night. He fell in love with me. I need him to be my boyfriend or else I will be miserable for eternity. FUCK, HE IS SO HOT! That is all.
